Friday, September 6, 2024

Sep 7 Sat - The worn-out sandals of Mary.


Sep 7 Sat
The worn-out sandals of Mary.
Recently, we celebrated the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In the Gospel, we see the young girl from Nazareth who, after receiving the Angel's announcement, immediately sets out to visit her cousin.

The expression in the Gospel is beautiful: "Mary set out and went" (Lk 1:39). It shows that Mary doesn't see the news she received from the Angel as a privilege only for herself but, on the contrary, she leaves home and sets out with the haste of someone who wishes to announce that joy to others, and with the eagerness to be of service to her cousin.

This first journey is a metaphor for Mary's entire life because, from that moment forward, Mary is always on the move, following Jesus, not only as his Mother but also as a disciple of the Kingdom. Eventually, her earthly pilgrimage culminates in her Assumption into Heaven where, together with her Son, she enjoys the joy of eternal life forever.

We shouldn't imagine Mary "as a motionless wax statue," but in her, we can see a woman... with worn-out sandals... and with so much weariness, for having followed the Lord and meeting others, concluding her journey in the glory of Heaven. In this way, the Blessed Virgin is She who goes before us on the journey, reminding us that our life is also a continuous journey towards the horizon of the definitive encounter. Are my sandals worn-out, like those of Mary, trying to please God?
Let us pray to Our Lady to help us on this journey towards the encounter with the Lord.

The hope of this encounter and its eternal nature should nourish our own life journey, especially during the most tiring and difficult times. It is good for us to ask ourselves: Do I nurture this hope, knowing that the Lord is always with me and awaits me at the end of my earthly journey? Am I progressing on this pilgrimage of life or have I become complacent, living day by day as if I will be here forever? Do I remember that I am destined for Heaven? That I must seek the Lord (sanctity) and love my brothers (apostolate), or do I think only of myself and remain enclosed in earthly matters?

Elizabeth's praise, "Blessed are you who believed."
This is the highest compliment that can be said to a simple, humble, poor little girl, who had the good fortune to speak with angels, she who is a nonentity, and now is told that she will have to have a Son who will be the Holy One, the Son of the Most High; yes, that's her, the last and smallest "remnant" of Israel.

A remnant is a group of people that is left over after a catastrophic devastation. It’s what remains after the invasion of a foreign army. It is the faithful ones.

We must decide to choose Mary as our teacher in the faith.
Yes, precisely of faith.

And I explain. You must know, that the march of faith must be done complete, and on foot.
This is our good fortune, we must not tremble in the darkness, we must not slow down when it seems that we cannot take it anymore.
Some excerpts from Pope Francis.
