Friday, February 2, 2024

Feb 3 Sat - 10 Reasons Why the Rosary Is So Powerful


Feb 3 Sat
10 Reasons Why the Rosary Is So Powerful.
Satan hates God. Satan hates you. And Satan hates the Rosary.
The Rosary is a powerful weapon against evil. Why?

1. It Engages Your Will. – The human will is powerful because it is a sharing in God’s power. He gives us the will to choose to do good; or, we fail and choose evil. That’s why Satan seeks to enslave us and disable our will through addictions. When our will coincides with God’s will through prayer, we tap into God’s own power.

2. It is Physical. – Angels, and demons, have no physical form, no body. When we pray the Rosary, we use our bodies. We hold the rosary beads with a crucifix. If possible, we adopt a physical posture for prayer - either walking, kneeling or sitting attentively. When we use the physical aspects of prayer, we are using tools that we have, and which Satan does not have.

3. It Engages our Linguistic Functions. – God has given us physical speech. We have tongues to praise him. Satan does not have the means of physical speech. Animals do not have physical speech. Therefore, when we pray the Rosary either moving our lips or not, we engage our physical bodies and our intellect.

4. It Involves Our Imagination. – We think in pictures. Satan likes to captivate our imagination through sinful images. These images come through internet, television or any visual stimulus; he wants our imagination to dwell in images that are destructive. With the Rosary, we engage our imagination in a positive and purifying way.

5. The Rosary Occupies the Language Facility. – With it, we think through problems, plan about the future, what comes next.

6. The Emotions are healed. – The Holy Spirit reaches our wounds and bad emotional memories within, and through Mother Mary heals them.

7. The Mysteries of Salvation are Applied. – The mysteries of Christ’s birth, passion and glory are unfolded before us, and the Holy Spirit applies their medicine to our own inner needs.

8. The Winning Battle is Engaged. – Satan hates the Rosary, hates Mary, hates the gospel, hates God, hates Christ the Lord. He hates the Lord’s Prayer, the Hail Mary. He hates you. Every time you pray the Rosary, you are entering the territory that he wants to claim as his own. He wants control over your will, your imagination, your emotions and your early life. And you take all these away from him.

9. The Battle Against Evil in the World is Activated. – The Rosary achieves victory against Satan’s snares in the world.

10. It is Accessible and Easy for All. – Ordinary men, women and boys and girls can pray the Rosary. All these graces are bestowed, even when they are unaware of it, when they are praying the Rosary. Billions of Catholics, all can pray the Rosary.

So, pray the Rosary every day!
