Monday, February 5, 2024

Feb 6 Tue - We are never more powerful than when we count only on God


Feb 6 Tue
Our Lord, Jesus Christ, is brought by his mother into the Temple, just as any other child. The crowd filling the entrance to the Temple does not grasp what is happening. Aside from Mary and Joseph, only the angels are informed witnesses to this event. The angelic spirits, looking down from heaven, were filled with wonder and exclaimed: “What a marvelous sight, unusual and amazing, incomprehensible and unthinkable! The Creator of Adam carried in the arms of his mother as an infant... He who resides in the infinite bosom of the Father, has been contained, through his own will, in human flesh.”

We notice a joyful humility, because this is the way Jesus fulfills the will of God. We would do well to imitate his unconditional dedication. “The humility that God demands of us is something very personal, something …that comes from the profound awareness that Our Father, God, is the One behind everything that happens to these poor instruments - servi inutiles sumus (Luke 17:10) –we ourselves are. God plays with each one of us as if we were little children.”

“When we strive to be humble, we can feel the amazing power of God acting, building on our weakness; and we know that we are never more powerful than when we count only on God."

Without docility, there is no dedication, St. Josemaría would say. Humility brings with it a full dedication to the divine Will, no matter how difficult or challenging it might appear. Mary fulfills the Law of God, and when Simeon tells her: a sword will pass through your own heart, our Lady renews the fiat she had spoken some months before in Nazareth. She presents her only Son to the Blessed Trinity and simultaneously puts her life into God's hands. What else would you expect of the handmaid of the Lord?

“The purity, humility and generosity of Mary are in sharp contrast to our wretchedness and selfishness. To the extent that we realize this, we should feel moved to imitate her. We, too, are creatures of God, and if we strive to imitate her fidelity, God will surely do great things in us. Our little worth is no obstacle, because God chooses what is of little value so that the power of his love be more manifest (1 Cor 1:27-29)."

Our Mother constantly gave herself completely to the service of God and those around her. Today we should ask her to obtain for us the grace to be always available and ready to serve others. Then, on fire with the love of God, one day we will be able to contemplate Him in the everlasting clarity of his glory.
