Sunday, June 16, 2024

Jun 17 Mon - How do we detect that "something is from God"?


Jun 17 Mon
How do we detect that "something is from God"?
Five useful signs to recognize His face in any action.
In summary, He is in: What leads you to Him, what is in tune with His word (God will never do something contrary to His word), what gives good results (although not always...).

"This is something from God," you often hear when an event is guided by God's hand, such that only God could have orchestrated it. But how does one find out whether something is "from God" or not?

1. When God is at the center.

The Holy Spirit is behind the events of your life. And he will always direct your gaze to Christ. He does this because salvation is found in Christ alone. When the Holy Spirit works in your life, his goal is to transform you into another ‘christ.’

If you cannot see Christ in that event, if you cannot glorify Christ with it, if what you do does not lead you to be more like Christ, then you must conclude that God is not really behind it.

You should not judge something only by how it makes you feel or by the result, but in what direction it is leading you.

2. God knows everything.

There may be times in our lives when we pray in secret for certain things and God answers us. Maybe someone will bring you the right word or even what you need. Especially when you haven't told anyone. Situations like these are what God uses to show that He knows your situation, and that He does not forget you.

4. When you are in tune with His word.  

Something "is from God" when your choice aligns with God's word. God will never do anything contrary to His word. The Holy Spirit will not engage in or lead you into sinful activities.

If you resort to sinful behavior to get the desired result, you will know that God did nothing of it. Although God can fix our wrong choices, He will never lead you into sin to fulfill His plan.

5. When you seek the long-term results.

Sometimes, we think that if the results are positive, then it must be "a God thing". But that is not always true. Results alone are not the measure. The path chosen toward them is equally important.

Some believe that the results will always be positive if we follow God. In the long run, this may be true, but not in the short run. For example, Jesus followed the Father in obedience and was nailed to a cross. In the short term, that outcome seemed bad. However, in the long run, his obedience paid for our salvation. Results matter, but more important is your obedience to what God wants you to do.

While results may indicate that God is doing something supernatural, we must measure results by God's standards and not by worldly priorities. Otherwise, we will attribute to God something that does not come from Him.
