Thursday, June 20, 2024

Jun 21 Fri - What is leadership, according to Jesus?

Jun 21 Fri
What is leadership, according to Jesus?
1) True leadership is centered on service.
St Paul reminds us that knowledge puffs up, whereas charity builds up. Charity is not the love that rises above others, but the one that descends; not the one that takes, but the one that gives; not the one that appears, but the one that passes unnoticed.

2) Charity leads us towards God the Father.
This love, because of Christ, drives us where humanly we would not go: it is the love for the poor, for those who are not lovable. It is the work of the Holy Spirit in us. It is a difficult, indeed impossible love to practice if one does not live in God.

3) Charity is personal but includes everyone.
Each of us must strive personally to be light and fire. Our love must be a flame that sets fire to everything it touches, raising the spiritual temperature of our surroundings, to all. No one should be able to say of us: “Your charity is ostentatious. From afar, you attract; you have light. From nearby you repel; you lack warmth. What a pity!"

4) Charity is fruitful: it produces more leaders.
We will not be judged on generic love; we will be judged precisely on charity, that becomes apostolic love. Those around us will notice our peace, and will try to find the reason for it, to discover where it comes from. In this way we can lead other leaders gently but effectively to God.

5) We form a family.
“All of us in the Church, every pastor and every member of the faithful, are called to commit ourselves personally to the daily search for personal holiness, and to participate –also personally– in the fulfillment of the mission entrusted to us by Christ: apostolate.” As God’s family, we must contribute to the rediscovery of this universal call –which was contained in the Gospel from the beginning, and of which St. Josemaría Escrivá was constituted herald by the personal divine vocation he received.

6) Charity spreads the tenderness and mercy of God.
We must practice with everyone a joyful, sweet and strong, human and supernatural charity, an affectionate charity, that knows how to welcome everyone with a habitual smile, and how to understand the ideas and feelings of others.

Each of us must be “Christ passing by.” “My children, see God behind every event and circumstance. Then, from everything that happens, you will draw more love for God, and greater desires to respond to his grace. He is always waiting for us, and he gives us the chance to renew our ‘I will serve!’ continually."
With excerpts of Pope Francis and St. Josemaría.
