Tuesday, May 16, 2023

 May 16 Tue
Love is expressed in attentive courtesy, not undue familiarity or favoritism.
“I want you to be gentle and well-mannered! Among yourselves you ought not to be rough but well-mannered, which does not mean affected.” St Josemaría

Fraternal charity shows on the human level in politeness and attention, which is the crowning glory of fraternity.
Bad manners and rudeness usually indicate an absence of spiritual refinement or of quality in love; so too does undue familiarity, which harms our relationships. Over-familiarity can never be the expression of sincere, unselfish affection.

St Josemaría tells us: “Cultivate the art of being pleasant. Treat other people politely, and avoid any arrogance. Be generous. Never be an icy model that others can admire but not love. Have God's grace and a sense of humor; and a smile that is sincere, clear and open, even though at times it cannot hide many human disappointments.”

Practicing charity with courtesy will often mean that we have to check our moods, and overcome personal affinities which could lead to favoritism, the formation of cliques and particular friendships. We have to be pleasant and warm towards everybody. We have to be like a soft carpet for others to walk on.

Our charity should be inconspicuous, gently welcoming, lovable; it must patiently adapt itself to other people's likes. Our charity must never reject others, even though sometimes we may feel uncomfortable, wounded or worried.