Wednesday, May 31, 2023

 May 31 Wed
In Nazareth, the Archangel Gabriel revealed to Mary the mystery of the motherhood of St Elizabeth. And the heart of the Blessed Virgin overflowed with happiness.
In the days that followed, Mary rose up and went with all haste to a town of Judea, in the hill country. In her womb she bore him who was desired by all nations, the Messiah whom all Israel had awaited for centuries.

Today, we can admire the concern of the Blessed Virgin for St Elizabeth. She knows that her cousin, well on in years, needs the care of a young person and she therefore goes with haste, to bring her help and affection. This availability to serve is the immediate consequence of having found Jesus Christ.

In our lives, too, intimacy with Jesus and with Mary is necessarily shown in the help we give others. As St Josemaría wrote: “If we have this filial contact with Mary, we won't be able to think just about ourselves and our problems. Selfish personal problems will find no place in our mind. Mary brings us to Jesus... And so, if we know Jesus, we realize that we can live only by giving ourselves to the service of others. A Christian can't be caught up in personal problems; he must be concerned about the universal Church and the salvation of all souls.

“Concern for one's own spiritual improvement is not really a personal thing, for sanctification is completely bound up with apostolate. We must, therefore, develop our interior life and the Christian virtues with our eyes upon the good of the whole Church. We cannot do good and make Christ known, if we're not making a sincere effort to live the teachings of the Gospel.”