Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Aug 10 - the Adoro te devote - I adore you with devotion...(I)

 Aug 10 Thu
“I adore you with devotion, O Godhead hid, / Who truly are within the forms before me.” Every Thursday, some recite and meditate “the Adoro te devote. It is a marvelous profession of the truths of faith. I make use of its words to increase my union with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, and as an external expression of faith in his Real Presence, now that this great Mystery of Love is under attack. We feel the need to draw close to Jesus because all of us should have a priestly soul: our heart is God's altar.”

In the Holy Mass we learn so many things: the small mortification of every moment, how to offer up our work, how we need to be transformed into Christ, how to go unnoticed in everyday life, and how to spend ourselves generously in the apostolate. Where better than in the hidden sacrifice of the God-Man, for us to learn to lose our life in an unspectacular and joyful way?

“On the Cross, only his being God lay hid from view, / But here also his human nature lies hid.” When we recite this hymn, we confess both the Divinity and the Humanity of our Lord. This profession of faith was, and continues to be, “a necessity. Today, there is a furious attack being waged against all the Church's dogmas: against the holiness of marriage –as I have often told you– against the holiness of the priesthood, against the Holy Eucharist, against the Pope, against everything... And it is only right and proper for us to express our love for Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.

“Doesn't it make you very happy to be able to say to him: ‘I ask the same petition as the repentant thief.’ After acknowledging that Jesus is there out of love for me, I ask him to forgive me as he forgave the repentant thief who hung on the Cross beside him...”

We surrender everything to Jesus because we know that as long as we stay with him, we are safe. Our heart is at rest when it reposes in his, and when we have no other wish than to love him.

In the Holy Mass we contemplate the perfect Model of what our self-giving ought to be. There we are given Christ sacrificed, Christ laden with gifts, the loving Christ, the humble Christ. There he awaits the soul with divine longing, that it might melt into his loving embrace and not set any limits to his love - all the more so, now that so many have stopped loving him.


Listen to the podcast:


You may like to listen to the Adoro Te Devote sang, in YouTube; beautiful.