Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Aug 24 Thu - Adoro Te Devote (III): The Tabernacle.


Aug 24 Thu

Adoro Te Devote (III): The Tabernacle. “Let us fill with affection all the little visits we make to the tabernacle, even though they may be very short, to say to our Lord: we love you, and it really hurts us that you have been so forgotten about. Adoro te devote, latens Deitas: 

      My God, hidden for love in the sacramental species, I adore you.”

I do not see your wounds, as Thomas saw;

Yet I confess that you are my Lord and my God.


Our day should revolve around the Mass. In our Lord's company we learn the reason for cheerful mortification, led by the hand of Christ, whose life on earth was a continuous journey towards the Cross. From the first day, our life has only been able to follow one course: either we seek the Cross, or we go astray.


Our Lord teaches us to advance speedily and cheerfully, and to accept gratefully the small sacrifice of every moment, or the big sacrifice he might occasionally ask us for. “This is what our Lord Jesus wants, for we need it if we are to follow him closely. There is no other way. This is the work of the Holy Spirit in the soul - in yours. Be docile and present no obstacles to God, until he makes your poor flesh like that of Jesus on the Cross.”


Loving Pelican! O Jesus Lord!

Unclean I am, but cleanse me in your Blood.”


Close to Jesus, at Holy Mass, we die daily to sin and rise with him to the life of joy and service that God and the Church expect of us.


“We have to live our Christian vocation simply and naturally, without doing anything spectacular, convinced that Christ our Lord is the only victim. If we unite our little troubles –the small ones and the big ones– which are all the same really to the boundless sufferings of our Lord the Victim, their value is increased, they become a treasure, and then we can carry Christ's Cross readily and gracefully.”

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