Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Aug 15 - Our Lady's Assumption enlivens our hope


Aug 15 Tue

The Virgin Mary's Assumption increases our hope, and encourages our dedication. Today, in the liturgy we said: “Lord, you raised the sinless Virgin Mary, Mother of your Son, body and soul to the glory of heaven. May we see heaven as our final goal and come to share her glory.”
Taken up to heaven, and crowned with glory by the Blessed Trinity, our Mother has fully obtained the goal we all hope to achieve. Mary has already achieved this fullness of happiness, love and peace. Our Blessed Mother has gone before us, led by God, so that all her children on earth may foster the fervent hope that, one day, we will be her forever.

Our final goal is heaven. This is what gives meaning and direction to our life. Christ has gone before us, and with the Virgin Mary he awaits our arrival.
The thought of the reward spurs us on in our struggle to become saints.

Referring to heaven's unending happiness, Saint Josemaría said: “Let us bear all the difficulties of our voyage over the seas of this life in the hope of heaven. Our goal, and that of everyone who wants to love, is to reach God and the glory of heaven. Otherwise, nothing is worthwhile. In order to get to heaven, we must be faithful. And to be faithful we have to struggle, advancing on our way even though we may sometimes fall flat on our face. With his help we will get up again. It is worthwhile to be detached from earthly goods! It is worthwhile to say 'no' to so many things of this world, with faith, hope and love.”

Our Lady's Assumption enlivens our hope. “Trade till I come,” our Lord has told us. Far from paralyzing or inhibiting our human energy, the promise of eternal life urges us on in our efforts to be faithful to our Christian commitments in the midst of the world. The hope of heaven is an imperative call to live, and act, responsibly. God wants us to work with a serene urgency, striving, with our work, to give all creation its right direction, and bringing all men and women what their hearts are longing for.

The Blessed Virgin, ‘Spes nostra,’ is a model for our own lives. Her heroically simple and generous life, her unbounded love for God's Will, her co-redemptive effectiveness, and the glory of her Assumption stir in us new energies to begin again, renewing our dedication. Turn to Our Lady now, tell her, “Mother, I still have a long way to go on my life. Help me to remain awake and vigilant.”


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