Thursday, September 7, 2023

8 Sep Fri - The Birthday of our Mother the Virgin


8 Sep Fri
“Today, wish happy birthday to the Mother of God, who is also our Mother. And our Lady, who is in heaven body and soul, will joyfully welcome our signs of affection.”

“We can begin our life anew. And therefore, throughout the day, we have to rectify our intention many times. We can never forget that in our interior life we have to fight without becoming discouraged. We can't lose heart when we see the need, not once but many times, to rectify our course in our service to God. We have the duty to do so, whenever we haven't been completely faithful in our struggle as Christians, children of Mary.” The Blessed Virgin, our Mother, accepts us as we are, with our miseries, if we struggle to overcome them.”

“When wishing someone we love, happy birthday, we usually offer some kind words and a gift, some tokens of affection or sacrifice. And you? What are you going to give our Lady today? Let's see, my son. Glance back over the years that have passed. Is there anything there that you can give her? Is there some flower, with some fragrance, some color? Perhaps there isn't much. It doesn't matter. Now is the time to tell your Mother: ‘This is all I can give you at the moment, but I will continue struggling, I will continue cultivating this garden. I will continue making one effort after another so that I can offer you a beautiful bouquet of fresh flowers on the days the Church celebrates one of your feasts’.”

“Then our attention is drawn to that big area in our life that allows thorns to thrive there. It is a good moment to ask God for forgiveness, and our blessed Mother for help. It is a good moment to renew our petition to our Lady, asking that this forgiveness may be a pledge of the help she is going to grant us. And it is a good moment to make an act of contrition.” It will blossom into a flower that we can offer to our Lady.

“Mother of ours, today we hope for your gifts. Today we will feel the gentleness of your hands, the warmth of your Most Sweet Heart, your protection for the whole Work. And despite the realization that we haven't been good sons, we dare to say:
Show us that you are our Mother! Make us be good sons. You who are the Mother of Fair Love, Seat of Wisdom, Handmaid of the Lord: Sancta Maria, filios tuos adiuva! I've repeated this aspiration to you so many times that it already forms part of our spiritual life. But repeat it especially today.” Saint Josemaría

Image: Russian icon of the Nativity of our Blessed Mother, with Saint Joachim and Anne.


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