Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Sep 13 Wed - Charity sums up all the commandments.


Sep 13 Wed
Charity sums up all the commandments.
Love of God is possible because He loved us first, and gave us his grace. “If we are able to love God, it is because we have been loved by God. You and I are able to lavish affection on those around us because we have been born to the Faith, through God the Father's love for us.” In addition, Christ, by dying for us, has sent us the Holy Spirit, the very Love of God, so that we might obtain the fullness of charity.”

You are worth as much as you love. “The real measure of our achievements, and of our whole life, is love. But we cannot obtain this love by our own unaided effort. We have to approach the source of grace and ask for it humbly. “Give me Lord, this love with which you want me to love you.”

“Our Lord expects us to look for him, to love him, to call on him, especially when we find the going tough. He wants us to turn to him, trustingly and without fear.
Our God is a Father who looks upon us serenely and who never abandons us. It is we, his poor creatures, who leave him, or who forget to live with him. And, now that there are so many who leave him or try to ignore him, we have to try to be even closer to him. How? I have told you already: by seeking him, by loving him more every day, by asking his help and making up to him when we realize we haven't treated him well.”

In spiritual matters, we should be very rich in doctrine, and in the knowledge, and love of God, and with the desire to give ourselves completely and to be very docile to his grace.

We will love God at every moment if we do everything just for him, and never mechanically or for personal advantage. We will love him all day if we try to ensure that all our actions are accompanied by an offering that is real, living and ardent: "for love of you, Lord! Because I love you!"

As Christians we must love others as God loves them, “whatever the cynics or skeptics, those disappointed in love, or those with a cowardly outlook on life, might say. That love is possible, and people can attain it, because it flows as a necessary consequence of God's love for us and our love for God.
“If you and I want it, Jesus also wants it. Then we will obtain a full and fruitful understanding of the meaning of suffering, sacrifice and unselfish dedication in ordinary life.” 
