Sunday, September 10, 2023

Sep 11 Mon - Main characteristics of the charism of Opus Dei


Sep 11 Mon
Pope Francis has articulated some indications to help defend the charism of Opus Dei. Here are, in my opinion, the main characteristics of the charism of Opus Dei:
- Divine filiation: from the moment of baptism, a Christian is a child of God. The formation provided by the Prelature promotes, in the Christian faithful, a lively sense of their condition as children of God, and helps them to conduct themselves in accordance with this reality; it fosters trust in divine providence, and simplicity in dealing with God and with others.

- Ordinary life: "It is in the midst of the most material things of the earth that we should sanctify ourselves, serving God and all men and women," said St. Josemaría Escrivá. Family, marriage, work, are opportunities to try and imitate Jesus Christ, trying to practice human and Christian virtues.”

- Sanctify work: “to seek holiness in our ordinary work means to strive to do it well, with professional competence, and with Christian outlook, that is, out of love for God, and to serve people.”

- Prayer and sacrifice: “the means of formation of Opus Dei remind all of the need to cultivate the prayer and penance proper to the Christian spirit. The faithful of the Prelature attend daily Mass, dedicate time to reading the Gospel, frequently go to the sacrament of penance, and foster devotion to the Mother of God.”

- Unity of life: the founder of Opus Dei explained that a Christian should not "lead a kind of double life: the interior life, the life of relationship with God, on the one hand; and on the other, a different, and separate family, professional and social life.” On the contrary, St. Josemaría pointed out, "there should be only one life, made up of flesh and spirit, and that is the one that has to be – in soul and body– holy and full of God.”

- Freedom: the faithful of Opus Dei are citizens who enjoy the same rights, and are subject to the same obligations as other citizens, their equals. In their political, economic, cultural, etc. actions, they act with personal freedom and responsibility, without involving the Church or Opus Dei in their decisions or presenting them as the only ones consistent with the faith. This implies respecting the freedom and opinions of others.

- Charity: Christians are witnesses to Jesus Christ, and spread his message of hope among relatives, friends and colleagues, by example and by word. This eagerness to make Christ known is inseparable from the desire to contribute to solving the material and social needs of the environment.


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