Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Apr 17 Wed - The discouragement of the disciples on the way to Emmaus


Apr 17 Wed
The discouragement of the disciples on the way to Emmaus.
That very day two of them were going to a village named Emmaus, about seven miles from Jerusalem. Perhaps these two disciples had been among the seventy-two whom Jesus Christ had sent out to preach and who had later returned to him filled with joy.

They had become disheartened after what had happened on the afternoon of Good Friday. The years spent with our Lord had been so wonderful. They had trusted in his word and left their homes and their families in order to embark upon an adventure. Now the Master was dead and buried, and his closest disciples were fear-stricken and helpless. That great adventure had turned to dust; their dreams lay in tatters. Why go on in such a pitiful and hopeless situation? The best thing would be for them to return to their town and families. They have almost lost all hope. They were beginning to feel that life has no meaning for them.

We have to be on guard against the temptation of discouragement. St. Josemaría warns us: “God may give us the necessary light to help us know how we are faring at certain moments; but at other times, we may be convinced that we are doing badly, or even getting worse. Often, this is not so.

Moreover, he asks: “How many saints are there on this earth? Not one! We are all capable of committing the worst atrocities imaginable. You've heard me say again and again that holiness consists of struggling, realizing we have defects and trying to overcome them. We'll be like that till we die: on our way to holiness. Otherwise, who could possibly put up with us? We would not be saints at all; we would be totally unbearable. Holiness consists of having defects and fighting against them, but we will still have them when we die."

Our Lord went out personally to look for them and prevent them from being lost. St Luke tells us: “While they were talking and discussing together, Jesus himself drew near and went with them." However, they did not recognize him; they thought he was just another traveler.

“Jesus joins them as they go along their way. Lord, how great you are, in everything! But you move me even more when you come down to our level to follow us, and seek us in the hustle and bustle of each day. Lord, grant us a childlike spirit, pure eyes, and a clear head, so that we may recognize you when you come without any outward sign of your glory."

“And Jesus stays. Our eyes are opened, as were those of Cleophas and his companion, when Christ breaks the bread; and though he vanishes once more from sight, we too will find strength to start out once more - though night is falling - to tell the others about him, because so much joy cannot be kept in one heart alone."
