Saturday, April 6, 2024

Apr 7 Sun - Christ, our peace and our light, appeared to the Apostles


Apr 7 Sun
We have Christ, who is our peace and our light.
The Lord appeared to the Apostles and greeted them: PEACE. Jesus destroyed the dividing wall between God and the sinner, and brought us together in himself, thus making peace. He is our peace, who has made both of us one.

Since Christ is our peace, we shall be really Christians if Christ is seen in our lives because peace reigns in our hearts. Thus, we must not allow conflict to come back to us. God has destroyed sin for our salvation. We must not, then, allow ourselves to give way to sin, for this would place our souls in danger. We must not revive what is truly dead, calling it back to life by our sins.

Since we bear the name of Christ, who is Peace, we too must end up all resentment, so that we may declare with our lives what we believe.

We too, then, should be reconciled with those who attack us, and also bring together the warring factions within us, so that our flesh may no longer be opposed to the spirit, and the spirit to our flesh. When the mind –that should control the flesh– is subject to the divine law, then we become a new creature, one of peace. When mind and flesh walk in the same direction, we have peace within ourselves.

When we consider that Christ is the true Light, far removed from all falsehood, we realize that our lives too should be lit by the rays of this Sun of justice. These rays are the virtues by which we cast off the works of darkness and behave as one in the light of day. When we refuse to have anything to do with the darkness of evil, and do everything in the Light, we ourselves become light, and our works give light to others.

But if we look at Christ, then we shall be free from all that is wicked and impure, both in thought and in deed. We shall prove ourselves worthy to bear Christ’s name, not with words, but in our actions, and in our lives.
Thus, fight; do not to be disheartened by any failure as long as you have done your best.

If we keep this marvelous supernatural perspective, no suffering in this life will discourage us. On the contrary, we will be filled with optimism, because we are fulfilling a divine mission, united to Christ on the Cross. As St. Josemaría told us, “to find the Cross is to find Christ. And with him there is always joy, even when we are faced with injustice, misunderstanding, or physical suffering. Hence, optimism! Yes, always! Even when things seem to turn out badly: perhaps that is the time to break into a song, with a Gloria, because you have sought refuge in him, and nothing but good can come to you from Him."

Our Mother Mary, who encourages us, and gives us the assurance of her constant, all-powerful intercession on our behalf.
