Monday, April 29, 2024

Apr 30 Tue - The poor are the Lord's favorites


Apr 30 Tue
The poor are regarded as the Lord's favorites. Love for God and love for riches are incompatible. Therefore, we must detach ourselves from earthly possessions. Additionally, we must strive to alleviate poverty in the world. However, it is important to note that the entire mission of the Church, which was received from her Founder Jesus Christ, should not be reduced solely to this urgent effort.

We must not downplay the reality of grave sexual sin. The Catholic Church's attention to all sins, including sexual sins, does not divert its attention from mainly social evils.

The esteemed Italian philosopher Augusto Del Noce predicted that this type of Catholicism would eventually succumb to society's "erotic offensive" by rejecting the Church's sacred doctrines on asceticism and mortification.

True to Del Noce's prediction, some have vehemently argued that "private" virtues such as chastity and purity have been excessively emphasized, particularly since the Counter-Reformation. They claim that this "sexophobic" morality is outdated and repressive.

To support their claims, they turn to the pillars of modern civilization, science and social sciences, which advocate for a more libertine sexual ethic. "Scientism" and "sociologism" - which lack a strong foundation - displace the supreme order of nature and morality.

Del Noce anticipated this division of virtues and its connection to the gradual erosion of ascetic Christianity. In its place arises a "secularized Christianity" that aligns more closely with our liberal, post-modern culture.

In this new form of Christianity, the social and political virtues (such as charity), intended to advance the human condition, overshadow the passive and private virtues like chastity and purity.

As a result, preachers rarely, if ever, discuss chastity and purity. Protecting marriage and the traditional family or addressing rampant promiscuity is perceived as far less urgent than helping the poor and persecuted.

However, peculiar things occur when the Church loses her coherence and focuses solely on public or social virtues. When the poor and persecuted adhere to traditional sexual morality (such as Africans), they are labeled as homophobic. Consequently, they are met with suspicion and condescension by some. Thus, the division of virtues becomes divisive in paradoxical ways and ultimately undermines the Church's mission of social justice.

This development is an absolute tragedy because ascetic Christianity, which upholds and promotes all virtues, is the true embodiment of Christianity.

Ascetic Christianity is deeply rooted in the Apostolic tradition, attested by numerous saints and martyrs, and affirmed by Jesus Himself, who condemned even the "lustful look" as a form of "adultery in the heart" (Matthew 5:27).

While these individuals may argue that they are more enlightened on these matters, their enlightenment casts far too many shadows.
