Thursday, June 1, 2023

 June 1 Thu
These are days to pray constantly that we may be docile to the work of the Holy Spirit in our soul, and respond to his gifts generously.

That we may receive the gift of UNDERSTANDING to perceive the riches of the Faith with greater clarity.
That we may receive the gift of KNOWLEDGE to be able to judge created things in an upright manner, and to keep our heart fixed on God, and on other things that lead us to him.
That we may receive the gift of WISDOM to grasp the profound wonder of God, and to seek him in preference to all other things, amid our ordinary work and obligations.
That we may receive the gift of COUNSEL to see clearly the path of holiness open to us, fulfilling God’s Will in our ordinary daily life, and to choose the option that coincides with the glory of God, and the good of our fellow men.
That we may receive the gift of PIETY to treat God with the intimacy with which a child treats his father.
That we may receive the gift of FORTITUDE to be continually strengthened, and be able to overcome the difficulties that we inevitably meet on our journey to God.
That we may receive the gift of FEAR OF THE LORD, to flee the occasions of sin, resist temptation, avoid every evil which could sadden the Holy Spirit, and to fear above all the loss of the One whom we love, and who is the reason of happiness in our life.

Father, your Holy Spirit abide in us with his gifts. Come, Holy Spirit.