Monday, April 10, 2023

 April 10 Mon
When I met you, Lord, for the first time…, I trembled with love and with horror. And now, I shiver, and I burn. I shiver because of the infinite distance between You and me, I burn because of the closeness and resemblance, because You love me.

When a child has to go in a dark night through a forest, he feels fear, even if he is shown a hundred times that there is nothing dangerous in it. Only a human voice could console him, only the loving hand of his father could drive away that anguish that assails him like a nightmare.

On Good Friday, I saw the suffering image of the pierced One; it reminded me of the crucifixes of the ancient Church: the cross surrounded by luminous rays, which is a sign of both death and resurrection.

Thus, Christ has hidden himself, but through this impenetrable darkness, on Sunday, he has risen and becomes my light, my salvation.

“Earthly things are only as important as we make them be. If we are immersed in God, nothing will disturb our interior peace. When, out of weakness, we make a big deal out of these insignificant events and let them get us down, it is because we want to. If we stay close to our Lord, however, we feel secure. If we unite ourselves to Christ's Cross and his glorious Resurrection, there is no obstacle we cannot overcome.” St Josemaría

Lord, you are all goodness and beauty, and I….so insignificant. And yet, You come to me in the Eucharist and talk to me in prayer.