Friday, April 28, 2023

Apr 28 Fri
How to make the EXAMINATION  OF CONSCIENCE (every evening)
    Make a brief examination of conscience before going to rest at night. Two or three minutes are enough.
•    Place yourself in the presence of God recognizing his strength and your weakness. Tell him: “Lord, if you will, you can make me clean.”
•    Ask your guardian angel for light to acknowledge your defects and virtues: What have I done wrong? What have I done right? What could I have done better?
•    Examine your conscience with sincerity:
    Did I often consider that God is my Father? Did I offer him my work? Did I make good use of my time? Did I pray slowly and with attention?
    Did I try to make life pleasant for other people? Did I criticize anyone? Was I forgiving? Did I pray and offer some sacrifices for the Church, the Pope and for all those around me?
    Did I allow myself to be carried away by sensuality? By pride?
•    Sorrow. Make an act of contrition asking our Lord’s pardon.
•    Resolution. Make a specific resolution for tomorrow:
    Staying away from certain temptations.
    Avoiding some specific faults.
    Exerting special effort to practice some virtue.
    Taking advantage of occasions for improvement.
•    Pray three Hail Marys to the Virgin Mary asking for the virtue of purity for yourself and your loved ones.