Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Apr 26 Wed
The holy evangelist St Mark renounced personal ideas to expound St Peter's teaching faithfully, being, as he was, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. From which it may be seen that he was perfectly united to the visible Head of the Church. He thereby composed one of the four Gospels, something for which he is perennially remembered in the Church.

When we hear about pronouncements and initiatives that damage the unity of the Church, what means should we use to respond to these plans?
Four points to consider:

1. The Mass, with devotion, where we should “feel” and live the unity of the Church.

2. Prayer, Personal Conversion, and Penance
All of us who love Christ, who love the Church, should pray intensely, and constantly walk towards identification with Christ. While we suffer in our hearts, we should unite our sufferings to those of Christ on the Cross for the redemption of the world and for the good of the bride of Christ, which is the Church.

3.- Formation
It is necessary to give and receive formation, to know the right doctrine which is lacking behind each of these situations.

4.- Use fortitude with compassion
Combine fortitude (fortes in fide) with compassion and mercy (Misericordia) with the persons in error.
While teaching the correct doctrine, we should not use contempt, or sarcasm towards anyone.

Jesus liked to meet with his disciples in the house which Mark's mother had in Jerusalem. The Blessed Virgin knew well the young man, and she would have stayed with the first disciples in that house also after Jesus' death as they awaited the coming of the Holy Spirit.
Illustration: Mosaics in the Cathedral of St Mark in Venice, 13th century.