Saturday, April 8, 2023

 Apr 8 Sat
On that first Holy Saturday, the Apostles were weak in their faith and were on the point of losing the spirit they needed to continue along the way. In their time of trial, they turned to Mary, and with her, how easy it is!

Our life must also be a life of faith, especially when there are difficulties and moments of darkness. If the winds of temptation arise and you come up against the reefs of tribulation, look up at the star and call upon Mary. God chose her to be our advocate, to be our Mother and our sure path.
You will not lose the way if you follow her. You will not lose hope if you implore her aid. You will not be lost if you think of her.

Take a look now at the Cross. Jesus has died, and there is yet no sign of his glorious triumph. It is a good time to examine how much we really want to live as Christians, to be holy... We can trust in God and resolve to put love into the things we do each day.

The experience of sin should lead us to sorrow. We should make a more mature and deeper decision to be faithful and truly identify ourselves with Christ, persevering no matter what it costs, in the priestly mission that he has given every single one of his disciples. That mission should spur us on to be the salt and light of the world.