Wednesday, April 12, 2023

 Apr 12 Wed
Mary Magdalene was asked by the angels why was she crying; we should recognize the presence of our Guardian Angels by our side, helping us to find Christ.

Jesus Christ continues to live among us; He is the same one whom Mary Magdalene mistook for the local gardener; Christ is alive.

This is the transcendental question that Jesus is directing to each of us: “Whom do you seek?”

As with Mary Magdalene, Jesus calls us by our name, in his unmistakable tone of voice. He is very close to each one of us. May external circumstances –sorrow, failure, pain, or discouragement– never prevent us from finding Him.

Mary was prevented by her tears from seeing the Risen Lord, even though He was so close, just beside her. May we not fail to find Jesus beside us.

Later, Jesus appeared to the apostles and breathed the Holy Spirit upon them. Lord, pour out on us the Spirit who creates and renews.

You promised to be with your disciples to the end of time; stay with us throughout this day and remain with us for ever.

– Lord, grant us the blessings of your resurrection.