Saturday, July 15, 2023

 July 15 Sat
The initiative is always God’s initiative. Vocation begins with Jesus’ gaze, full of love, that attracts another gaze. Vocation is a response to some One –Jesus– who fixes his eyes on you; only on you.
Jesus challenges you in a personal and irresistible way, to look at Him. Then, suddenly, you discover in your heart an immense panorama of personal commitment and apostolate. Finally, the immense joy of responding with a sincere "yes" to Him.

Thus, one consequence of this commitment is deep joy. “God loves the cheerful giver. What is it that we most desire, what drives us most, and has moved us to dedication? The love of God. Well, He will give us still more. He will make us fall completely in love, if we do things with joy.”

When dedication is woven with true confidence in our Lord, when we try to be humble and seek only to please God, then “we are completely happy, my children.”

“Whoever says Opus Dei says joy. Whoever says Opus Dei has to say work, but work with joy; charity with joy; understanding with joy.”

“My children, we are going to give ourselves fully, we are going to live by faith, happily. We are going to stick fast to Jesus Christ, to love Him truly, truly, truly.”

“We are going to live out our great love story, because that is what we are, people in love. It is for Love that we have put aside everything, giving our lives to carry out his Work on earth. We are going to stay very close together, well within this boat, the Work, a little part of the Church. And we are going to tell our Lord once more that we are here because He has called us: Here I am because You called me! (1 Sam 3:9).” St Josemaría

I will not pray, so much, for your material success; I will pray, mainly, for your faithfulness.