Friday, July 28, 2023

 July 29 Sat
A Virtue at a Time. The key to a lasting growth is to advance with little steps. A good idea is to pick one of these ten virtues of Mary each week, and to practice it in everyday situations.

1. Profound Humility. How we can live out this virtue: See yourself as God sees you! Pray the Litany of Humility, accept compliments gracefully and quietly, and don’t be embarrassed to make mistakes in front of others.

2. Lively Faith. Faith is a gift from God. We receive it –we do not manufacture it on our own. To receive this gift, we must seek communion with the Giver. Choose to trust Him and practice receiving His gifts with open hands.

3. Intelligent Obedience. We are called to obey God the best we can, even when we don’t fully understand why He asks for certain things.

4. Life of Prayer. Make time for mental prayer in silence, thanking God, and ask for help to do His Will. Bring Christ into every little thing, offering up all your thoughts, words, actions, joys, and sorrows.

5. Mortification. Make little sacrifices and offer them up for specific intentions. Accept the small irritations, humiliations, and inconveniences of daily life as quietly as you can. Mortify yourself in little things such as getting up right away when the alarm goes off.

6. Purity. Pray and frequent the Sacraments. Strive to keep your heart and body pure, and your mind clean and focused on worthwhile goals. Seek to purify your intentions. Don’t manipulate others.

7. Ardent Charity. Imitate our Blessed Mother and try to bring those around you closer to Jesus, the true and perfect Lover.

8. Heroic Patience. Unite your little sufferings and contradictions with the sufferings of Our Lord on the Cross, and of Our Lady of Sorrows. Pray for the gift of perseverance.

9. Kindness. Open your heart to the grace of God, and show gratitude for his blessings. Smile and be kind, friendly, and alert to the needs of others, putting them before your own.

10. Divine Wisdom. Ask the Holy Spirit for wisdom, to look at all things with the eyes of Christ and not with your own. Ask Our Lady, Seat of Wisdom, to help you.

Remember: Our Blessed Mother is right there, by your side, at every step of your way. Don’t hesitate to ask for her guidance and assistance. Lastly, don’t be afraid to grow in love for Our Lady.

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