Monday, July 31, 2023

 July 31 Mon
We are here to serve, and to facilitate that Christ may live in people's souls. We, Christians, do not belong to ourselves any more. That attitude produces real happiness. “Giving, giving, giving! That's the way: serving others. The way to be happy is not to have any problems of one's own. The secret of happiness? Give of yourself without even expecting to be thanked for it.”

These words of St Josemaría are applicable to us all: “Many people have spoken to me in amazement of the joy which, thanks be to God, my children in Opus Dei have and which they spread to others. Faced with this evident truth, I always give the same reply, because I know no other. Their happiness has its foundation in the fact that they fear neither life nor death; that they are not overwhelmed when they meet with misfortune; that they strive daily to live with a spirit of sacrifice, in spite of their own defects and weaknesses, and they are constantly ready to deny themselves in order to make the Christian path easier and more pleasant for others.”

A passing enthusiasm will not do. We are talking about a genuine, burning flame, which ends up in a total gift of self. “We are the seed in Christ's wounded hands, and the divine Sower then casts the seed into the furrow. The sower puts his hand into the sack and brings it out full of shining golden grains, which he flings far and wide. That is how you and I have to give ourselves, without looking for any recompense on earth, or inventing imaginary trials. But, as the Gospel states, the grain of wheat must fall into the ground and die – so it seems – in order to bear fruit. Only if we do that will we be good seed for the sowing that our Lord wants to do, to open up divine paths on earth.”

St Josemaría’s advice will also help: “Sincerely examine the way you are following the Master. Ask yourself if your self-surrender is of a dry, officious type, with a faith that has no sparkle to it; if there is no humility or sacrifice, nor any good works throughout your day; if you are all show and pay no attention to the details of each moment... In a word, if you lack Love”.
“If this is the case, your ineffectiveness should come as no surprise to you. React right away, and be led by the hand of our Lady.”