Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Jan 17 Wed - God calls anyone, without asking for permission.

 Jan 17 Wed
God calls anyone he wants with a special vocation, without needing to ask for permission.

That group came from a far-off land. The clothes they wore, and the strange beasts of burden on which they were riding were not often seen in Palestine. The people around Jerusalem would have conjectured all sorts of things on seeing them. They must be important people: princes, perhaps, or possibly some of those wise men who delve into the mysteries of the stars. If so, they probably came from the lands of the Medes or the Persians, or even from some distant Indian city.

"We have seen his star in the East, and have come to worship him.’ When Herod the king heard this, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him. This scene is still repeated today. Faced with the greatness of God or with a person who has made up his mind - with a decision both deeply human and profoundly Christian - to live up to the demands of his faith, there are people who find it strange and in their surprise they even get scandalized. It seems they are unable to countenance a way of life which does not fit into their limited earthly horizons. They smirk at the generous actions of those who have heard God's call. They are frightened by such dedication, and in some cases that appear frankly pathological, they do all in their power to thwart the holy determination of those who with complete freedom have given themselves to God.”

“On some occasions some people think that our Lord ought to ask their permission before choosing others for his service. Apparently, they believe man is not free to say an unequivocal yes or no to this proposal of Love. To people who think that way, the supernatural life of each soul is something secondary. They do believe it has to be reckoned with, but only after petty comforts and human selfishness have been accommodated. If this were the case, what would be left of Christianity? Are the loving but demanding words of Jesus only to be heard? Or are they rather to be heard and put into practice? Did he not say, Be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect?"

“Our Lord asks all men to come out to meet him, to become saints. He calls not only the Magi, the wise and powerful. Before that he had sent, not a star, but one of his angels to the shepherds in Bethlehem. Rich or poor, wise or less so, all of us have to foster in our hearts a humble disposition that will allow us to listen to the word of God, and follow Him."
