Friday, January 5, 2024

Jan 6 Sat - To live for others and forget about ourselves

 Jan 6 Sat
“One thing have I asked of the Lord, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life." This is one of the deepest Christian aspirations of this season, to live in the presence of the Holy Family and contemplate the mystery once again. St Bernard says: “God, to whom the angels are subject and whom the principalities and powers obey, was obedient to Mary, and not only to Mary but also to Joseph for Mary's sake."

During the years of his hidden life, Jesus obeyed our Lady and the holy Patriarch as all good children obey their parents. In the small village of Nazareth, Jesus, Mary and Joseph lived just like any other family –a tradesman's family. The only distinctive mark of that family was the love that reigned in their home.

This consideration sets us on fire with love for God, and for the others. That is what Jesus himself told us to do: “Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me."

Fraternal love is not distinct from our love for Christ. The two go so closely hand in hand that we cannot tell whether we are serving God or serving the others with our fraternal deeds. It is serving God twice over!

Also, we must actively seek the holiness of those who are at our side. “This commandment we have from him, that he who loves God should love his brother also." St John tells us. Loving others means loving God, loving Christ who lives in them. And we need to show them not only supernatural affection –through prayer, mortification and fraternal correction – but also human affection, through small things that help make their lives pleasanter. That is what God wants for his children. We look out for their individual preferences, their tastes, what they like to talk about, and so on. We try to please them in simple, natural ways, without their noticing it.

Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ. We can form such a resolution today from contemplating the mystery of Bethlehem. May we serve the others affectionately, helping them in everything. May they always sense the shield of an attentive, considerate charity, the bond of brotherhood, the basis of peace, a firm and enduring unity. May our homes always have the family warmth which Jesus found with Joseph and Mary.

Let us live for others and forget about ourselves. To the extent that we do so, Jesus Christ will live in us. Fraternal charity leads us to holiness. As St John Chrysostom says: “There is no better road leading us to heaven, no better way to imitate Christ and, in some way, to become like God."
