Thursday, January 4, 2024

Jan 5 Fri - To be happy, start all over again


Jan 5 Fri
You have faults, sometimes you may be anxious, and even angry, but don't forget that your life, for you, is the greatest undertaking to accomplish in the world. Only you can prevent its failure. Many people appreciate, admire and love you… alright; but remember that being happy is not having a sky without a storm, a road without accidents, a job without hard work, relationships without disappointments.

To be happy is to stop feeling like a victim, and to become the author of one's own destiny, directing yourself with your choices, always following the star. It is crossing deserts, to be able to find rest in a fleeting oasis deep in your soul. It is thanking God every morning for the miracle of one day of life. It is kissing your children, cuddling your parents, working as usual, experiencing good moments with friends, even when they hurt us.

To be happy is to let the child living inside you live, free, joyful and simple. It is to have the maturity to be able to say, ‘I committed a mistake.’ It is to have the courage to say, 'I'm sorry.' It is to have the sensitivity to say, 'I need you.' It is having the maturity to say, 'I love you.' May your life become a garden of opportunities for happiness ... May you be a lover of joy in spring, and a lover of wisdom in winter.

And when you make a mistake, start all over again; because only then will you be in love. You will find that being happy is not having a perfect life; but using your tears to foster tolerance. Learning from your defeats to train patience.

Use your mistakes with the serenity of the sculptor. Use pain to understand pleasure. Use obstacles to open the windows of your intelligence. Never give up ... Above all, never give up on those who love you...and on those who don't. Never give up on true happiness, for life is an incredible spectacle, a time to accomplish yourself,... a pending task.
