Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Jan 31 Wed - Sanctity implies love and commitment


Jan 31 Wed
We have abundant proofs of how generous God is. He has showered his gifts upon us. He has blessed us in baptism, with a Christian vocation, which yields a hundredfold here on earth, and gives us the assurance of heaven afterwards, if we are faithful.
He has given us an ideal which satisfies all the aspirations of our soul, and which turns sacrifice into something easy and pleasant.
He has entrusted us with a divine undertaking which transforms our life on earth into a wonderful adventure.
We are already happy beyond compare, and yet this happiness is no more than a foretaste of the joy awaiting us. And above all, he gives us his infinitely tender Love, his own fatherly Love.

If God has loved us so much, how should we respond? What should we do for him? What should be the extent, and the measure, of our love?

We must give ourselves completely in performing our duties, and in generously responding to God’s grace: that is how we can give practical effect to our desire to give ourselves generously in the Lord's service. There are usually two ways in which God reveals his most lovable will to us. One is through the duties of our state in life; the other is through the motions of grace in our soul.

Among the most important duties we all have are those prescribed by the commandments of God and the Church, and the personal commitments which our Christian vocation entails. These are a sure path to sanctity.
Sanctity means love and commitment; it is not just doing the minimum necessary. And a vague general desire to be a saint is not enough: we need to take unwavering steps each day in order to follow Jesus Christ, at the pace he sets.

The inspirations of grace are another way in which God reveals his will. These inspirations may arise in our hearts or come through spiritual direction, but in either case, what we need is a spirit of generosity and docility so that we respond to them as we should.

“How good our Lord is! He has sought us out and taught us this holy way of being effective, by surrendering our lives in a simple way, loving every person in God, and sowing peace and joy among men. Jesus, how very, very good you are!"

Our Mother Mary will help us to be generous. Do whatever he tells you. Was it not the persuasive way she said these words, and the look of love in her eyes, that led the servants at Cana to carry out Christ's command so generously, filling the jars right up to the brim?
