Monday, January 22, 2024

Jan 23 Tue - We need faith in big things as well as in our small daily events.


Jan 23 Tue
We need faith in big things as well as in our small daily events.
A man’s heart plans out his way, but it is the Lord who makes his steps secure.
Increase our faith! we ask our Lord, with the Apostles. And the Church exhorts us: “Let us praise the God who is our refuge; in him we have placed all our hope. Let us call on him devoutly saying: Lord, look upon your children!" God does not turn his back on the prayers of his beloved children. But we do need faith, a practical faith that sheds light not only on the great truths and fundamental principles, but also on the ordinary events of each day.

St Bernard writes: “Sometimes our faith appears uncertain about things of the present, although it is very firm about the future ... But what sort of unbelief is that? Or rather, is any greater madness possible? Could uncreated Wisdom, the eternal Truth, deceive? Could infinite Charity not wish to give us what he has offered, or the Almighty be unable to fulfill his promise?" God will fulfill his promise not only in heaven, but here and now as well, in our daily pursuit of holiness and apostolate, in our efforts to win new apostles, in the fulfillment of our small daily duties, and in our fight to overcome the various difficulties that crop up.

Let us ask God to increase our faith, and to cast his divine light upon our daily tasks, so that we can be filled with love and hope, and our efforts can bear fruit. “God is always the same. It is men of faith that are needed. Then there will be a renewal of the wonders we read about in Sacred Scripture."

God's arm, his power, has not grown weaker! This is the faith with which we want to face up to all that the day has in store for us, all the challenges of the interior struggle, our work, and the apostolate. Once again, we will be able to say with our mother Mary: “the Lord has shown strength with his arm." For “if you are faithful, you will be able to boast of victory, and in your life, you will not experience defeat There is no such thing as failure, as long as we work with a pure intention, and the desire to fulfill God's will. Whether or not we are successful, we have still triumphed, because we have done our work for Love."

“Pray then. And if, in spite of everything, our faith should falter, let us cry out to Jesus, the Great King whom we want to serve as soldiers, using the same words that escaped from the souls of the disciples, as St Luke recounts: Adauge nobis fidem! Increase our faith!"
