Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Jul 25 Thu - How can I overcome the culture of the provisional?


Jul 25 Thu
How can I overcome the culture of the provisional?
– Follow Jesus to pursue a path of life with commitment and dedication.

We must follow Jesus to overcome a prevailing “culture of the provisional” that feeds a lack of commitment and superficiality in taking responsibility.
The faithful should look out for what matters in life and that remains stable over time.

Contemporary society and its prevailing cultural models – the ‘culture of the provisional’ – do not provide a climate conducive to the formation of stable life, or choices with solid bonds, built on the rock of love and responsibility. It only offers the quicksand of emotion.

Such a culture places everything in question and easily breaks the possibility of pursuing any life path that demands commitment and dedication.

This causes superficiality in taking responsibility among young people, because, in the depths of the soul, they see responsibility as something from which we should be free.

Yet the human heart aspires to “great things;” young people should feel the urgency to take courage and pursue their future together with Jesus.

Alone we cannot do it. Faced with the pressure of events and trends, we will not be able to find the right path, and even if we could find it, we would not have enough strength to persevere...

And here comes the invitation of the Lord Jesus: ‘If you want ... follow me.’ He invites us to accompany him on the journey.

Only with Jesus, praying and following him, can each person find clarity of vision and the strength to carry on. He loves us, has chosen us definitively, and has given himself to each of us definitively. He is our defender and brother, and he will be our only judge.

How nice to be able to face the vicissitudes of life in the company of Jesus, to have with us his person and his message! He does not take away autonomy or freedom; on the contrary, he strengthens our fragility, allowing us to be truly free, free to do good, strong to continue doing so, and able to forgive and to ask for forgiveness.

Journeying through life with Jesus does not deny difficulties and problems, but helps us to see them as temporary and conquerable.

Mary always helps us when we are on the way and when we are still searching for it, when we have clear ideas and when we are confused, when prayer comes spontaneously and when the heart is dry.

Mary is the Mother of God, our Mother, and Mother of the Church. Many men and women, young and old have turned to you to say thank you and supplicate a favor. Mary leads us to Jesus, our peace. We have recourse to you, trusting in his help, with courage and hope.
