Monday, July 1, 2024

July 2 Tue - The Ten Commandments for Happiness


July 2 Tue
The Ten Commandments for Happiness
- Assume that you are terminally ill: you have little time left, even if you are young. - -- Accept your uselessness and your fragility.
- Like a sick person, like a sinner, ask God for help, every day. Go to him, "It is not the healthy who need a physician, but the sick".
- The root of your condition is pride and its offspring: vanity, pride, egoism.
- Accept, moreover, that you are blind because of so many attachments. Cry out to God with all your strength and with all your heart, to help you get out of them.
- God will heal you little by little: by painful humiliations that will come with each passing day.
- Accept the treatment as best you can. Be patient –it can last for years. Complain and cry as much as you want…to God.
- Do not seek refuge in "esoteric spirituality": it is only a grammar. Worse still, it is an ideology and a disguise for pride.
- Seek refuge and comfort in God alone. Imagine yourself resting your head on His chest, cared for by the Virgin Mary.
- Abandon all worry for the future. Convince yourself that you can, and will, die at any moment. Go to Mass; even if you understand nothing, the devil trembles.
- Only when you feel the need to hide and disappear, to suffer for God and for your brothers in silence, will you be as happy as you can be in this life, because you will no longer be afraid of death.

All these points are summed up in one: make yourself small, never grow into anything, become a child. Grow strong by being a little child of God.

Run away from "false spiritual teachers" and "gurus". Be suspicious of anyone who wants the limelight and justifies it. Remember: Jesus lived in hiding for thirty years.

And what will cost you the most: let them scold you unjustly and do not excuse or justify yourself.

If you do not know how to pray, simply repeat calmly: "Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner". Repeat it at all times, everywhere.
Some excerpts from Francisco Segarra
