Sunday, July 7, 2024

Jul 8 Mon - Can I have a personal relationship with Jesus?


Jul 8 Mon
Can I have a personal relationship with Jesus?
Jesus wishes us to pray to God in such a way as to call him Father and to call ourselves sons of God, just as Christ is the Son of God. No one would have dared to claim such a name in prayer, unless he had permitted us to pray this. And so, we must behave as children of God, so that whatever pleasure we take in having God for our Father, He may take the same pleasure in having us as his children.

Thus, we develop a “personal relationship” with Jesus, our Elder brother. But if we limit that relationship between us and Him only to what we’re willing to agree to, we’re not in a personal relationship with Jesus. We’re in a toxic relationship with our own egos, a cocoon we create for our own comfort.

The whole problem can be seen by asking a simple question: Which Jesus are we supposed to have that relationship with, anyway? The Jesus of the Scriptures and Early Church Fathers? The Enlightenment rationalist Jesus (miracles optional)?

We must choose the “todos, todos, todos” of the Faith. Jesus doesn’t (formally) change His teachings, but can discover for us far-reaching implications about the teaching at some future date.

That completeness of the true faith has a parallel in the charity we must live. “Thus, we must love all souls without exception: that is the first conclusion to be drawn when you start reflecting on this virtue.

You must have the right kind of understanding for other people's defects, failings, mistakes and weaknesses. And this understanding will enable you to live together in harmony. Can you see how you are to love all Catholics? Like this! ‘I give you a new commandment: love one another as I have loved you.’ This commandment is still new for lots of people, after all these years. So new, they haven't tried it out yet!"

“It's a pity, but it's absolutely true. How often people who claim to be serving Christ try to get rid of others who are also serving him! They resort to lies, malicious gossip, ambiguity and innuendo, in order to sow confusion ...”

A commandment, yes, “Come all unto me…,” but also, “Strait is the gate.” A Jesus both demanding – leave everything and follow me – and tender, as none of us ever are.

We can think of faith as a precious diamond with many facets. No one of them is one too much. And all the facets are needed to complete the precious stone.

Christianity is not a do-it-yourself hobby. We need to know the real Jesus that the tradition preserves and “take to heart” what he said and did to work out and make it real in our lives.

You and I: Sent. Preaching. Mission. Not merely “walking together,” but going out bearing the Truth, to all nations. That is the Church, her primary reason for being, the full embodiment of the “personal relationship.”
