Thursday, July 4, 2024

July 5 Fri - The 12 promises of the Sacred Heart of Jesus to St. Margaret Mary


July 5 Fri
The 12 promises of the Sacred Heart of Jesus to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque.

1. "I will bring peace to your families." Jesus' Heart must reign in the household.

2. "I will console you in your sorrows." Those devoted to the Sacred Heart will find solace, intimately connected to Jesus' heart. It is comforting to know that Jesus is with me.

3. "I will be your safe refuge throughout your life, especially at the hour of death." Jesus encourages us to trust and surrender ourselves to God the Father, even in our final moments. Just as in the Gospel when Jesus said, "It is finished. Father, into your hands I commend my spirit," it is a great lesson in surrendering ourselves to the Father.

4. "I will pour abundant blessings on your endeavors." Those devoted to the Heart of Jesus seek to do things for God's glory rather than their own.

5. "Sinners will find in my Heart the fountain of Mercy." The devil wants people to despair and not hope for forgiveness or a chance to change their lives. However, the Sacred Heart of Jesus assures every person, "I have thought of you for all eternity. I desire your holiness. Today is a day of grace, a day of salvation. Mercy is available for you!"

6. "Lukewarm souls will become fervent." Tepidity, or mediocrity, is a cancer, and we are called to have a strong desire for holiness and to trust that God will guide us on the path to holiness that began with our baptism.

7. "Fervent souls will reach great perfection." We must continue purifying our intentions.

8. "I will grant priests the grace to touch hardened hearts." This is a tremendous gift for priests who, through preaching and their own example, strive to reach the hearts of those who are distant from God. The Sacred Heart assists in presenting the Gospel to the world in an appealing manner.

9. "I will bless the homes where an image of my Heart is exposed and honored." "Enthroning" the Sacred Heart in a home signifies that Christ and His Heart reign over that family. Such an image should not be hidden but displayed prominently where the family gathers.

10. "Those who spread this devotion will have their names written in my Heart, and they will never be erased."

11. "To the souls consecrated to my Heart, I will bestow the necessary graces for their state of life." God desires to assist each person, regardless of who they are.

12. "Through my almighty love, I will grant the grace of final perseverance to all who receive Holy Communion on nine consecutive Fridays. They will not die without my grace." How bold of the Lord to make such a specific and daring promise! Jesus wishes to express gratitude to those who accompany Him on these Fridays as an act of reparation for His suffering in Gethsemane, when He asked His disciples to "stay awake and pray" and found them asleep.
