Wednesday, July 3, 2024

July 4 Thu - What is the link between the Blessed Trinity and the Mass?


July 4 Thu
What is the link between the Blessed Trinity and the Mass? The liturgy, especially the Holy Mass, nourishes our devotion to the Trinity.

All the Church's liturgy is an act of homage to the Blessed Trinity. Likewise, our interior life and our struggle for holiness are guided by the action of the Trinity in our soul. We know that we are children of God the Father, and that the Holy Spirit is sanctifying us by making us more like God the Son. And indeed, it is in the liturgy, this great work in which God is perfectly glorified and men are sanctified.

In the Holy Mass, which is the center and root of our interior life, we have the opportunity to grow daily in our love for the Blessed Trinity. The Mass, as St. Josemaría taught, is the most splendid manifestation of the Blessed Trinity's love for us. The Holy Sacrifice is in truth “the holocaust that will give to the holy name of God the glory that is due. The sanctification we pray for is attributed to the Paraclete, who is sent to us by the Father and the Son ... The three divine Persons are present in the Sacrifice of the Altar ..."

“The Eucharist is the goal of all the sacraments. The life of grace, into which we are brought by baptism, and which is increased and strengthened by confirmation, grows to its fullness in the Mass. "When we participate in the Eucharist," writes St Cyril of Jerusalem, "we are made spiritual by the divinizing action of the Holy Spirit, who not only makes us share in Christ's life, as in baptism, but makes us entirely Christ-like, incorporating us into the fullness of Christ Jesus."

This outpouring of the Holy Spirit unites us to Christ and makes us acknowledge that we are children of God. The Paraclete, who is Love, teaches us to saturate our life with the virtue of charity. Thus, made one with Christ, we can be for others what the Eucharist is for us, in the words of St Augustine: a sign of unity, a bond of love."

Every day we can unite ourselves to Christ's sacrifice, and, through his mediation, offer our whole existence to God the Father in the Holy Spirit. And in our daily work, we remember that our life is just that: a continual offering made to God. The efforts we make will bear fruit, with God's grace, if we have recourse to our Lady. “Throughout the day you can often hold a conversation with the trinity on earth, which is the way to reach the Trinity in heaven. Bear in mind, what St. Josemaría advises us, that the Mother leads us to the Son, and the Son, through the Holy Spirit, leads us to the Father, according to those words of his: he who has seen me has seen the Father."
