Monday, March 18, 2024

Mar 19 Tue - St Joseph teaches us how to love Jesus.


Mar 19 Tue
St Joseph teaches us how to love Jesus.
He, after his Immaculate Spouse, is the human being who has loved God most, who has poured himself out most in his service. “It is not surprising that the liturgy of the Church applies to the Holy Patriarch these word: “He is loved by God, and it presents him to us as a model." (Sir 45:1). And it also invites the good children of God to bless this holy, marvelous, young man who is the Spouse of Mary."

“I can't hide it from you. Sometimes when I am alone and aware of my shortcomings, I take an image of the Child Jesus in my arms and I kiss it and rock it... I am not ashamed to tell you this. If we had Jesus in our arms, what would we do? Have you had little brothers or sisters, much younger than you? I have. And I have taken him in my arms and rocked him. What would I have done with Jesus?" Well, St. Joseph did that, all the time.
“St Joseph, teach us to love your Son, our Redeemer, the God Man! Pray for us, St Joseph!"

“What does Joseph do, along with Mary and with Jesus, in order to follow the command of the Father, the motion of the Holy Spirit? He dedicates his whole being; he puts his life as a worker at his service. Joseph, a creature, nourishes the Creator. He, a poor craftsman, sanctifies his professional work, something Christians had forgotten for centuries and which we must remind everybody. Joseph gives him his life, the love of his heart and the tenderness of his care, he gives him the strength of his arms, he gives... everything he is and can do: the ordinary professional work proper to his condition." Thus, we should dedicate ourselves completely to the service of God, as St Joseph did.

“Blessed is the soul that has ambition, that has desires to fulfill the divine commands. This restlessness always remains. If you should ever hesitate, because your mind does not see clearly, or because your passions rise up like vipers, it is the moment to say: ‘My God, I desire to serve you, I want to serve you, I am dying to love you with all the purity of my heart!’"

Today, we manifest our desire to struggle without letting up so as to incarnate perfectly in our life the spirit of a good Christian. If we have recourse to the intercession of the Blessed Virgin and of St Joseph, God will not fail to hear our prayers.
