Friday, March 29, 2024

Mar 30 Sat - Let us go to our Mother at difficult times


Mar 30 Sat
Jesus Christ lay in the tomb. Loving hands had affectionately laid him in the grave near Calvary which belonged to Joseph of Arimathea. “Now it is all over. The work of our Redemption is accomplished. We are now children of God, because Jesus has died for us and his Death has ransomed us." “You and I have been bought at a great price."

Our life must also be a life of faith, not only when things work out easily, but also when they are very hard, and when there are difficulties and moments of darkness. In times of trial let us turn to Mary, and with her, how easy it is! If the winds of temptation arise, and you come up against the reefs of tribulation, look up at the star, and call upon Mary. As St. Josemaría wrote, “there is no storm that can cause Mary's heart to founder. Each of us will experience storms, but if we struggle and place ourselves within the safe refuge of Mary, we can be certain of protection."

God chose her to be our advocate, to be our Mother and our sure path, so that we can find our way again in times of darkness: “We go to Jesus, and we return to him, through Mary." If we are close to her, Virgo Fidelis, Spes nostra, Virgin most faithful, our hope, then our faith in the supernatural character of our Christian vocation will grow, along with our hope in the means of formation and in the interior progress that our Lord grants us.

You will not lose the way if you follow her. You will not lose hope if you implore her aid. You will not be lost if you think of her. Whoever appeals to our Lady's powerful intercession knows that "it is a thing unheard of that anyone ever had recourse to her protection and was left unaided", no matter how difficult their situation, no matter how great their soul's confusion.

“Take a look now at Calvary. Jesus has died, and there is as yet no sign of his glorious triumph. It is a good time to examine how much we really want to live as Christians, to be holy. Here is our chance to react against our weakness with an act of faith. We can trust in God and resolve to put love into the things we do each day. The experience of sin should lead us to sorrow. We should make a more mature and deeper decision to be faithful and truly identify ourselves with Christ, persevering no matter what it costs, in the priestly mission that he has given to each of his disciples. That mission should spur us on to be the salt and light of the world."

From our Lady's hands we will gently receive what the Church requests for her children this evening at the start of the Paschal Vigil: that the light of Christ, gloriously risen, drive away all shadows from our mind and heart.
