Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Mar 6 Wed - Fighting to be holy


Mar 6 Wed
Fighting to be holy. There will always be difficulties to overcome. Rather than causing us to be discouraged, the setbacks and adversities we come up against should act as an added spur to our interior growth. “If there were no difficulties, things would have neither human nor supernatural value, St. Josemaría used to say. If a nail which is being hammered into a wall meets with no resistance, what can I hang on it?"

We must use patience and tenacity in struggling against our defects.
“Brethren, I do not consider that I have made it my own; but one thing I do, forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." An eternity in heaven, unending bliss, is well worth a few years of effort here below. And this is what is asked of us: a constant struggle, in which we refuse to give up, even for a moment, and even though we might frequently suffer defeats.

This struggle is not something negative, but a joyful positive statement. “It is a sport. A good sportsman doesn't fight to win just a single victory and at the first attempt. He prepares and trains for a long time; he tries, confidently and calmly, over and over again. And even though at first, he fails, he keeps at it persistently until he overcomes the obstacles." It is a matter of time and making use of the right means; it is a question of being patient, and constant.

Many great things depend on our personal struggle. We need to fight - and to do so without losing hope, with supernatural stubbornness - if we are to become holy in God's eyes. But we should never forget that our effort to achieve our personal sanctification is the holiness of many souls, and the holiness of God's Church.

This struggle is not something that affects me only. Provided you keep up the fight, and refuse to give in, many great things will come about: projects, determination to more commitment, the growth of the Church, help for the holy souls in Purgatory, the salvation of countless sinners...

“Feel this responsibility. Feel the duty to be holy: holy, which doesn't mean doing strange things. If you struggle every day to fulfill the Norms of piety, you are on the way to holiness."

Let us turn to Holy Mary, our Mother, and tell her our resolutions, asking her to help us maintain our eagerness for the fight. May she encourage us every day - including today - to start once again with new determination, ready to tackle all adversity joyfully.
