Monday, March 4, 2024

Mar 5 Tue - Fighting against sin


Mar 5 Tue
The reality of sin, rather than discouraging us, should spur us on to fight.
Let us reflect, once more, on the reality of sin and its malice. “Don't forget that for you on earth there is but one evil, which you must fear and avoid with God's grace: sin." We must acknowledge how wretched we are; and from the depths of our soul there rise up the words of the Psalm: ‘Have mercy on me, O God, according to thy steadfast love; according to thy abundant mercy blot out my transgressions.’

“Don't be ashamed to discover the "inclination of sin" in your heart. Don't be cowardly. Be truly faithful; be sincere! There will always be mistakes in your life; no one is free from them." St. Josemaría

“God, who is all-powerful and merciful, has given us all the necessary means to rectify our mistakes. All we have to do is use them, and keep using them, always ready to start again, and never becoming demoralized. Do you not know that in a race all the runners compete, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it."

What really matters is that we should have interior life. We shouldn't be shocked at discovering so many personal failings in ourselves; Jesus is always ready to offer us his grace, his help, his forgiveness. “A Christian is not a neurotic collector of good behavior reports." All God asks of us is a real determination to be saints and to serve him; that is what really matters.

But if we do not fight, we wouldn't be able to stay calm; nor could we please God or benefit from his help. “Christ, who is our Peace, is also the Way. If we seek peace, we have to follow his footsteps. Peace is a consequence of war, of struggle, of the personal ascetical struggle each Christian must keep up against everything in his life which does not belong to God. He is called to overcome pride, sensuality, selfishness, superficiality and meanness of heart."

Since God knows the poor stuff we are made of, what he asks from us is not so much victories as struggle. He has called us to work in his vineyard, like the hired men in the parable, and he doesn't allow anyone to remain idle. In the end, it will be God himself who grants the victory and gives the reward. “The important thing is to get to heaven; otherwise, nothing whatsoever is worthwhile. To get to heaven, we must be faithful. And to be faithful, what we must do is to struggle, to keep moving ahead, even though we may at times stumble and fall."

Thus, we must have hope and optimism in our personal struggle. “As long as we fight persistently, we are going in the right direction and sanctifying ourselves." Our Lady always defends us against the snares of the devil (illustration)
