Friday, March 1, 2024

Mar 2 Sat - What am I doing with my life?


Mar 2 Sat
Think carefully and give your answer to this proposal. The initial approach to this proposal may seem risky.
Answer honestly: "What would I do if money rained down from Heaven every day?

This hypothesis, is enormously attractive but egocentric: Free money, every day! I can enjoy everything I want!

Indeed, who wouldn't like -apparently- to have a lot of money every day to spend it on whatever you want?
The only condition that is put to you (as if you were in a wonderful fairy tale) is that what you do not use, will disappear every night...
Here the tables start to turn. What do I want to do with that money? Do I want to spend it all on myself? Should I invest all in my future or in my family's future? Should I donate a minimum amount that would allow others to share in the gift I have received? Before going any further, I would prefer that you read till the end now...

Life, we are told, works the same way as our dreams. Every morning, everything we have dreamed about during the night, disappears. Every day we begin a new day, as if life were beginning anew... But it is not like that; we know well that, from each day, what we did, remains, for better or for worse. And what remains is the meaning and direction that, every day, we give to our entire existence.

But the proposal has a second, even more interesting feature: the temporal dimension.
Second proposal: “Every morning, when you wake up, you will find an enormous gift in front of your door. It is not money inside, but something much more valuable: 1440 minutes. A gift that you can waste, enjoy or lose, but that can also benefit -and a lot- all those around you: relatives, colleagues, friends...even people you do not know. What would do with this gift?”

That's how life works. That's why, after realizing this, you should try to place real meaning and purpose into every minute of your day. This is the equation that underpins the proposal:
       Time  =  Life.
An then:  Life = Eternal Happiness
With the time you are given -with your decisions- you build your life…and God is behind you helping you to do so.

Perhaps the CEO of a large company stands out a lot, achieves fame and money; but does all that remain when he dies, does he serve others, does he make them better? Does he give himself to the others with a purpose? Is he walking towards his real happiness? Perhaps, a mother does not stand out at all, because she has decided to spend her life taking care of her family; but isn't this apparently hidden task more important for her, and for the future of her children?

Every morning you are given 1440 minutes, is there any of that left in your life that will remain forever? Think, “What am I doing with my life? What am I going to do?”
Illustration: The washing of the Apostles’ feet.
