Monday, May 13, 2024

May 14 Tue - Why should I be happy?


May 14 Tue
Why should I be happy?
The hope of heaven brings joy to God's children. The time for our Lord to depart from the world and return to His Father is rapidly approaching, and the Liturgy is preparing us for His departure in the Ascension. Jesus tells us, "Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid. You heard me say to you, 'I am going away, and I am coming to you.' If you loved me, you would rejoice because I am going to the Father, for the Father is greater than I."

Our Lord is leaving to prepare a place for us in His Father's house because we are now children of God. As favored children, God is preparing a place for us in heaven, where we will find limitless happiness. And to ensure that we attain it, He has already given us the life of grace in this world, which is a certain seed of glory within us—a preview of heaven.

"Some people, whose goals are commendable yet limited, and whose ideals are only temporary and fleeting, forget that as Christians, we must aspire to the highest peaks of all—to the infinite. Our aim is the very Love of God, to fully enjoy that Love with an everlasting joy. We have witnessed in many ways that things in this world ultimately come to an end for all of us when this world ends. And even sooner for each individual when they die, for we cannot take wealth and prestige with us to the grave. That is why, filled with hope, we direct our hearts towards God Himself and have learned to pray: 'In you, O Lord, I have placed my hope. May your hand guide me now and at every moment, for ever and ever."

In the meantime, we journey through this world as strangers and exiles, on our way to the Father. But even on earth, we can taste great happiness by enjoying the hope of a glory that, when finally realized, will completely satisfy us. It is good and necessary to hope for heaven—it inspires and encourages us, especially during challenging times when we find it difficult to work without earthly rewards.

St. Josemaría said, "Let us bear all difficulties as we sail the seas of this world, in hope of heaven. For ourselves and for all souls who desire to love, our ultimate goal is reaching heaven, the glory of heaven. Otherwise, nothing else has value. To reach heaven, we must be faithful. And to be faithful, we must struggle, making progress on our journey, even if we stumble and fall at times. With God, we will rise again."

Torreciudad: The Crowning with Thorns. Fruit of the 3rd Sorrowful Mystery: Daring to fulfill our mission. Courage.
