Tuesday, May 7, 2024

May 8 Wed - What should I do when temptations seem overwhelming?


May 8 Wed
What should I do when temptations seem overwhelming?

The Church asks us to focus on the two aspects of holiness: fully living the new life in Christ that began with our baptism, and resisting temptations that hinder us from experiencing that new life.

St. Paul describes the new life that we have in Christ and makes it clear what we must do to maintain that life within us: "Put to death therefore what is earthly in you: fornication, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry."

However, no matter how long we have been striving to follow Christ and not our own will, it can be challenging. Just when we think we have overcome one temptation, another one emerges.

The fact that we are not yet perfect, at least not as perfect as we believe we should be, can be frustrating. Moreover, it reveals that the sin of pride is still present.

So, what should we do? We must respond to God in all circumstances, even when we feel spiritually defeated.

Although we may feel like a lost cause, Scupoli advises, "You must consider yourself victorious as long as it does not seem that you have openly surrendered. It may seem as though we are defeated, but as long as we still know what is right and have a desire to do right, we should not lose heart and should begin again."

In such situations, we should strike a blow against the enemy and the passion, saying, 'Help me, Lord, save me, my God; Jesus, Mary, help me avoid surrendering to them.'" Often, this brief prayer will bring about deliverance from Christ swiftly. But what if it does not work immediately?

If you are calm enough to reflect on the matter with God, you should consider five points. First, you may have brought this temptation and its suffering upon yourself due to past sins. If so, "justice demands that you patiently endure the wound."

Second, you may not have brought this specific temptation upon yourself. However, perhaps it is a punishment that God has given you for something else. Remember, God's punishments are disciplinary measures intended to shape those whom He loves.

Third, if you believe your conscience is clear, recall that no one enters the kingdom of heaven except through the narrow door of struggle.

Fourth, remind yourself that the Son of God, along with all His saints and friends, entered glory by enduring thorns and crosses.

Fifth, always remember that when you are most tempted, God's love for you remains unwavering, and He "is indescribably pleased by every act of virtue and mortification that He sees you doing." The more difficult things are, the more you will bring pleasure to the Lord."

Temptation and the suffering it causes may appear overwhelming and even purposeless. However, they are neither. "I can do all things in him who strengthens me," St. Paul assures us. We may be weak, but God's power "is made perfect in weakness."

Torreciudad: Jesus’ Proclamation of the Kingdom of God. Fruit of the 3rd Luminous Mystery: Call to bring people closer to Jesus.
