Thursday, May 16, 2024

May 17 Fri - Can we profess a fluid atheism and be a Christian?


May 17 Fri
Can we profess a fluid atheism and be a Christian?
A fluid atheism is prevalent in contemporary culture. Although unspoken, it permeates every aspect of life, even within ecclesiastical discussions. Its primary impact is spiritual lethargy, dulling our ability to react and recognize errors and dangers. Regrettably, it has infiltrated the Church.

What should we do? Some may argue that this is simply the way the world is and we cannot escape it. Others may suggest that the Church must choose to adapt or perish. There may be those who claim that since the essentials are certain, we can be flexible with the details. Or they may contend that Truth is purely theoretical and unable to address specific cases. These maxims confirm the grave illness that afflicts us all.

I prefer to invite you to think differently. We must not succumb to lies! The essence of fluid atheism is the promise of compromise between truth and falsehood. It is the greatest temptation of our time! We are all guilty of accommodating and colluding with this great lie that is fluid atheism. We may present ourselves as believing Christians and people of faith, we may celebrate religious rituals, but in reality, we live as pagans rather than believers. Let us not deceive ourselves or fight halfheartedly against this enemy, for it will always drag us down. Fluid atheism is slippery and viscous. If you try to attack it, it will ensnare you with its subtle compromises. It is akin to a spider's web: the more you struggle, the tighter it closes around you. Fluid atheism is the final trap of the Tempter, of Satan.

With all my heart as a pastor, I want to invite you today to make a solemn decision. We must not create factions within the Church. However, each one of us can make a firm decision today: we will no longer allow atheism to deceive us. I no longer want to turn away from the light of faith. I no longer want to coexist with both light and darkness out of convenience, laziness, or conformity. This decision is simple and concrete, and it will change our lives. It is not a call to wage war or denounce our enemies. We may not be able to change the world, but we can change ourselves. If each of us humbly decides to do so, the system of lies will collapse on its own, as its only strength lies in the place we give it within ourselves.

Dear brother bishops, What do we have to fear? The most important thing is to firmly grasp His hand! Our faith is a deep connection with God Himself.

Preserving the spirit of faith means rejecting any commitment that contradicts it. It means refusing to see things in any other way than through the lens of faith. It means surrendering ourselves into the hands of God, the only source of true peace, gentleness, and genuine benevolence without complicity, true gentleness without cowardice, and true strength without violence.

Excerpts, Speech of Robert Cardinal Sarah before the National Bishops Conference of Cameroon, (Apr 09, 2024)

Torreciudad: The Resurrection. Fruit of the 1st Glorious Mystery: Faith.
