Sunday, May 5, 2024

May 6 Mon - How can I bring the light of Christ to a confused world?


May 6 Mon
Bringing the light of Christian doctrine to a confused world; St. Josemaría always urged us to carry out this task: "Do you see how science, art, agriculture and industry are being de-Christianized, along with the people who work in them? Do you see how the number of large families is decreasing? Don't you suffer when you encounter the sort of 'naturalistic' outlook which is incapable of understanding self-denial, hidden dedication or the evangelical virtues?"

Our Lord came to give life to all, and expects us to participate in his mission. We must go forth and bring sound doctrine to everyone because we are concerned about all souls. However, we must start with those whom God has placed by our side.

We must eliminate ignorance by sharing an abundance of revealed doctrine, the truth of Christ. The Christian apostolate, even for an ordinary Christian living among equals, involves the great work of teaching. Through genuine, personal, loyal friendship, we can instill a hunger for God in others, and help them discover new horizons. This should be done naturally and simply, by fully living our faith and speaking loving words filled with the power of divine truth.

We have been taught that regardless of the external forms our apostolates may take, they always aim to provide doctrine. We must teach doctrine at every opportunity, and create opportunities where none exist. We must passionately teach the truth of Christ and allow others to partake in the treasure we have received.

We should never fear the development of human knowledge because all intellectual efforts, if serious, are aimed at truth. Christ himself said, "I am the truth."

Christians should have a hunger for knowledge. Everything, from abstract knowledge to practical skills, can and should lead us to God. There is no human endeavor that cannot be sanctified, and serve as an opportunity for our own sanctification, and cooperation with God in the sanctification of the people we work with. The followers of Jesus Christ should not hide their light in a valley but place it on a mountain peak so that others may see their good works and give glory to their heavenly Father.

In addition to doctrinal formation, we also need the gift of tongues. However, this gift does not necessarily mean knowing multiple languages but rather knowing how to adapt to the capacities of our listeners.

It is not about simplifying the message for the masses, but about speaking words of wisdom in clear Christian language that everyone can understand.

Torreciudad: The Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan. Fruit of the 1st Luminous Mystery: Openness to the Holy Spirit, making use of his grace.
