Saturday, May 25, 2024

May 26 Sun -- Why is so important the mystery of the Blessed Trinity?


May 26 Sun
Why is so important the mystery of the Blessed Trinity?
Today, we contemplate the central mystery of our faith: the Blessed Trinity.

In his infinitely wise providence, God gradually revealed to mankind his inmost being, what he is in himself, and not just as the cause of created things.

In the Old Testament, he makes known above all his Oneness, and his complete transcendence from the world as its Creator and Lord. God, unlike the world, is uncreated; he is not limited in space (he is immense) or in time (he is eternal); and his power knows no limits (he is omnipotent).

There he is also revealed as the shepherd who seeks his flock, who looks after his own indulgently and tenderly, who forgives and forgets the frequent infidelities of his chosen people.
At the same time, we get glimpses of the paternity of God the Father, of the Incarnation of God the Son, and of the action of the Holy Spirit, who vivifies all things.

Only Christ reveals to us in all its fullness the inner workings of the Trinitarian mystery and calls us to participate in it.
The mystery of the Trinity is the starting point of all revealed truth, the fountain from which proceeds supernatural life, and the goal whither we are headed: we are children of the Father, brothers, and co-heirs with the Son, and continually sanctified by the Holy Spirit to make us ever more and more resemble Christ; accordingly, we deepen in the understanding of our divine filiation and become living temples of the Blessed Trinity.

From the moment man is called to participate in the divine life through the grace of Baptism, he is destined to participate in it ever more and more; along this path, he must journey continually. From the Holy Spirit, we constantly receive impulses, motions, and inspirations to encourage us to travel faster along the way that leads to God, through Jesus.

“Our heart now needs to distinguish and adore each one of the divine Persons. The soul is, as it were, discovering the supernatural life like a little child opening his eyes to the world about him. The soul spends time lovingly with the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and readily submits to the work of the life-giving Paraclete who gives himself to us without the slightest merit on our part, bestowing on us his gifts and the supernatural virtues!” St. Josemaría

The Blessed Trinity dwells in the Christian soul as in a temple. Saint Paul explains that God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us. And there, in the inner recesses of the soul, we learn to be intimate with God –Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

We say in the intimacy of prayer: “You, O Eternal Trinity, are a deep ocean, into which the more I penetrate, the more I discover, and the more I discover, the more I seek you.”
