Monday, August 12, 2024

Aug 13 Tue - Should parents share responsibility in the upbringing of their children?


Aug 13 Tue
Should parents share responsibility in the upbringing of their children?
Here are seven helpful tips:

As Christian men, fathers have a moral duty to care for and love everyone in the family. Helping your children understand what "Father's love" is, will help them learn what God the Father's love is like.

1. Quality and quantity are both important.

Some people use the phrase "Quality is better than quantity" as an excuse. This is only partially true. When it comes to parenting and being present in your children's lives, both quality and quantity matter. Being present means spending time with your children.

2. Define the roles.

Just because both spouses have equal responsibilities doesn't mean they have to do the same things. Men and women are different, and these differences are necessary for the children. It's important to discover what your role is instead of just thinking about what is comfortable or comes naturally to you. Following traditional gender roles, where the mother pampers and cares and the father imposes discipline, may not be a good idea.

3. Put yourself in mom's shoes.

At times, adopt a more sensitive and emotional attitude, rather than always being rational or moral. Allow yourself to spoil your children a little. Women have innate qualities to talk, give advice on sentimental problems, help with homework, and more. Men also have a lot to offer, even if it may not come as naturally to them. Masculinity itself teaches respect, chivalry, care for the weakest, and authority.

4. Share the chores.

It's healthy to agree upon and alternate chores and housework. Having open conversations about this will not only avoid uncomfortable domestic quarrels, but it will also show your love for the house and leave a lasting impression on your children.

5. Be the head of the domestic church.

The Church encourages you to make your home and family a domestic church, where faith is celebrated, where you talk about God, and where you pray together. Men also have the responsibility to create this experience of a domestic church.

6. Speak loudly when necessary, but also be gentle and delicate when appropriate.

As the father, you may have a more authoritative role at home. However, discipline should always be an act of love and not a way to impose a regime of terror. Listen attentively to your children's requests and be flexible with them, just as God the Father is with us.

7. Be a role model in life.

The way you show affection to your spouse, the joy with which you do household chores, how you talk about others, how you live your faith and relationship with God, and of course, your relationship with your children—all of this serves as a model for them. Everything you do sets an example. That's why it's important to try to live according to what you say, living as a Christian not for the sake of appearances, but out of love for God and your children.
