Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Aug 15 Thu - What is the Assumption of Our Lady?


Aug 15 Thu
What is the Assumption of Our Lady?
The Immaculate Virgin was preserved free from all stain of original sin; when the course of her earthly life was finished, she was taken up, body and soul, into heavenly glory, and exalted by the Lord as Queen over all things, the Mirror of Justice, so that she might be the more fully conformed to her Son.

Our Mother has fully obtained the goal we all hope to achieve, the fullness of happiness, love, and peace. She has gone before us, led by God, so that all her children on earth may foster a fervent hope.

Our Lady's Assumption enlivens our hope. Far from paralyzing our human energy, the promise of eternal life urges us on in our efforts to be faithful to our Christian commitments in the midst of the world. The hope of heaven is an imperative call to live and act responsibly. God wants us to work with a serene urgency, striving by our work to give all creation its deepest meaning and bringing all men and women what their hearts are longing for.

The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin is a singular participation in her Son’s Resurrection and an anticipation of the resurrection of other Christians.
Christ rose from the dead with his glorified body never to die again.

Mary’s Assumption is an announcement and anticipates the final judgment when God will reunite our bodies with our immortal souls. The Queenship of Mary is implicit in her Assumption. As the Psalmist said, “The queen stands at your right hand, arrayed in gold.” Mary’s beauty is her holiness, fittingly arrayed in the golden glory of her body.

How can I correspond to this action of God? Have devotion to the Blessed Virgin.
The liturgical feasts dedicated to the Mother of God, and Marian prayers, such as the Rosary, a summary of the whole Gospel, express this devotion to the Virgin Mary.
Why not pray the Rosary daily? It can be recited in the family, while walking alone, while driving, before or after daily Mass.

In honoring the Blessed Virgin Mary, we get back from her much more than we give. The reason is that she mediates for us with her Son. The King of Heaven listens to the petitions of his Mother.
God wants to associate us in his work to save and sanctify human beings.

“Let us bear all the difficulties of our voyage over the seas of this life in the hope of heaven. Our goal, and that of everyone who wants to love, is to reach God and the glory of heaven. Otherwise, nothing is worthwhile. To get to heaven, we must be faithful. And to be faithful we have to struggle, advancing on our way even though we may sometimes fall flat on our face. With his help, we will get up again. It is worthwhile to be detached from earthly goods! It is worthwhile to say 'no' to so many things of this world, with faith, hope, and love." (St. Josemaría)
Contrapposto: Our Mother, Mirror of Justice.
