Monday, August 26, 2024

Aug 27 Tue - Four physical abilities that are also very useful for the soul.


Aug 27 Tue
Four physical abilities that are also very useful for the soul.
Taking care of the body helps to take care of the soul.
Physical virtues bring health to our bodies. Moral virtues strengthen and guide our will to choose what is authentically good and beautiful and by aiding our relationship with God.

The abilities exercised in sport can be equally applied to the spiritual life.
Training the four elementary skills (strength, speed, endurance and flexibility), not only helps physical well-being, but also spiritual development. Both sides must grow harmoniously.

Some make their training charts without skipping any activities, but are still "too busy" for God. They find an hour every day to exercise, but don't seem to have time to go to Mass on Sundays.

There are four skills help develop the body, and improve the soul.

1. Strength.
God has given us the ability to use our body. Pushing the body further through exercise can increase strength and decrease injury.
The more the muscles are developed, the less chance there is of injury. It is the same with the soul; the more we toughen our character, the easier to avoid falling into temptations. Even if they keep coming, they will not control us.

2. Speed.
Speed training develops the ability to do intense physical activity in a short period of time. It exercises the lungs, heart, and muscle fibers like no other type of training.
The fight against temptation becomes more difficult when one delays to ask for the help of God's grace; so, speed training should not be neglected in order to react, right away, and avoid falling into temptations.

3. Resistance.
By gaining muscular and cardiovascular resistance, patience and willpower are also exercised.
In life there will always be moments of greater difficulty that may weaken faith in God and humanity; we must have patience, resist, and seek solutions.

4. Flexibility.
By training this ability, we will improve muscular functions and prevent injuries.
The human being possesses two facets: one that conforms to objective truth (justice) and another guided by love and compassion (charity). Both facets can coexist in balance thanks to flexibility.

Did you know that sport and a healthy lifestyle provide a great opportunity to grow in virtues?
Body and soul should not compete. Some may eat unhealthy food because "the physical is less important than the spiritual." They shy away from physical exertion saying: "God doesn't care what I look like."

To grow spiritually, we need exercise, proper rest, and a healthy diet.

       - Exercise: which is mortification that purifies both body and soul.

       - Rest: which is "rest in the Lord," prayer. We need rest in order to continue growing.

       - Nourishment: which is the Eucharist; to grow, and keep the "temple of the Spirit" standing. You are what you eat!

By taking care of the body and the soul, we show respect for God who made us in his image and likeness and who loves us so much.
