Friday, August 30, 2024

Aug 31 Sat - Can I say that God’s Wisdom rules the universe and keeps it in order?


Aug 31 Sat
Can I say that God’s Wisdom rules the universe and keeps it in order?
The world, like the masterpiece of an artist, is marked by the signature of its Creator. We receive the gifts of God and can take them for granted: our lives, our family, the world, our intelligence, friends... everything! But some people do not bother to find out where all these come from and why they have been granted to them.

In Jules Verneʹs novel “The Mysterious Island” he describes a group of men shipwrecked on an unknown island in the Pacific. They believed themselves to be alone but at critical moments they received help: a toolbox; a rope hanging from a rock; enemies exterminated... However, they didn’t know where it came from, or who was helping them.

One night, finding themselves lost at sea after an exploration to a nearby island, they saw a bonfire from afar that served as a beacon to guide them back. This fire saved their lives. The seafarers believed that the fire had been lit by their leader, who had remained on land. But later they discover that it wasn’t him.

The main character of the novel tries to find the mysterious helper, but some others don’t care who provides that help; they just benefit from it without asking questions.

As in Verneʹs novel, some people see the world, but don’t bother to ask “Who made it?” After all, ʹnothing comes from nothingʹ. If we find a football in the jungle, we wonder how it ended up there; we need an explanation because we know that footballs don’t grow on trees. A human soul –capable of loving and thinking– is to the material universe what a football is to a jungle. It does not come spontaneously into it.

Towards the end of the adventure, the main character says: ʺWhat I do know is that a beneficent hand has constantly protected us since our arrival on the island, that we all owe our lives to this good, generous, and powerful being.ʺ He did not stop searching and eventually he found his benefactor.

In the face of the unexpected and unforeseen, we may initially be disconcerted. However, we should quickly try to recognize our Lord, who once again tells us: “Take heart, it is I; have no fear." Peace and calm should be constant features of our lives. “Have no anxiety about anything. And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will keep your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

Trusting in Providence brings cheerfulness as well as peace. Thus, the source of our optimism and cheerfulness should be the awareness that we are children of God.

Mary, Mother of the Creator, help men to encourage everyone never to stop looking for the reason behind everything, searching for the Truth. What we are looking for is happiness; not a momentary happiness, but one that is deep and forever, and both human and supernatural.
