Sunday, August 18, 2024

Aug 19 Mon - 5 tricks of the devil to attack man and 5 weapons to resist and defeat him.


Aug 19 Mon
5 tricks of the devil to attack man and 5 weapons to resist and defeat him.

The devil tirelessly works to make man stumble and fall. For this purpose, he uses his intelligence to know how and where to tempt.

Yet God has given believers weapons to defend themselves.
To defeat Satan at his own game, we need to know his tactics and also be aware of our own weaknesses. This way, we can protect ourselves from the prince of darkness.

Here are some of the weapons used by the devil:

1. Sadness.
If we pay attention to our conscience and listen when it warns us about falling into sadness, we can use that knowledge to resist the enemy's attacks with greater courage and prudence.

2. Kryptonite: our main weak point.
Soldiers use military tactics to discover the enemy's most vulnerable area. Everyone has his kryptonite. Every believer must know his weak points.

3. Social media.
There is the temptation to access harmful material on the internet, including social networks with content or lifestyles that violate modesty and decency.

4. The demon of impurity.
Our Lady of Fatima sadly said that most souls are lost because of sins against the virtue of purity and chastity.

5. Despair.
The worst sin against God is the lack of trust in His infinite mercy. Many in our modern society have given up all hope and trust in the love and mercy of Jesus, and the maternal power of Mary's intercession.

Against these five forms of attack by the devil, there are also five other forms of defense to fight, resist, and defeat him:

1. Prayer.
No matter how strong, persistent, deceptive, and cunning the devil's temptations are, prayer can conquer all!

2. The practice of penance.
Jesus, tempted by the devil in the desert, devoted his efforts to prayer, penance, and fasting. The devil's attempts were thwarted.
When the apostles asked the Lord why they could not cast out demons, Jesus replied: "They can only be cast out by prayer and fasting." (Mt. 17, 21)

3. Sincerity and spiritual direction.
It is essential to open our troubled souls to a trained spiritual director when we find ourselves in confusion or a spiritual storm.

4. "Nunc Coepi": Begin again!
Only God is perfect, and we are all sinners. The devil attacks us after we fall into sin, leading us to despair and lose hope.
The true soldier of Jesus, after a fall, will not despair or give in to more sin but will humbly admit their fall, go to sacramental confession, and start anew.

5. Go to Mary.
In our constant battle against the devil, we must seek Mary's protection.
We must be close to Mary, wear the Scapular, pray the Rosary, and, especially in times of temptation, invoke Mary's Holy Name. If we do this, victory will be ours thanks to the powerful intercession of Our Lady.
Some excerpts from Ed Broom.
